Werner Restoration
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Mold can be a four-letter word to many homeowners. And if you find mold inside your home, it can be a pretty terrifying discovery. But knowledge is power. Check out these facts about mold – including what to do if you find mold in your home. How many did you already know?
Mold can occur nearly anywhere. Known as Mother Nature’s recycler, mold is designed to break down dead organic material. (Spoiler alert: That’s a good thing.) Indoors, Mold requires moisture. This can become a problem in areas where there is water damage, extensive humidity or dampness.
Related: Mold fact vs. fiction
Most people are surprised that mold can grow in as little as a day or two. It can grow on nearly substance, with moisture present (see fact #1). Different types of mold grow on wood, paper, carpet and foods. That means if you leave a wet space alone for as little as 24 hours, you could easily find mold when you return.“Many homeowners will notice a small water leak and ignore it,” explains Doug Peterson, a water mitigation project manager with 13 years of experience. “In a few weeks, there’s mold up the wall.
The ideal environment for mold is fairly easy to find. It really only takes three things – food, the ideal temperature of 40-100 degrees Fahrenheit, and moisture. Consider all the places in your home where this mold trifecta could be hiding.
Related: 4 signs you have a mold problem .
There are thousands of species of mold and they can appear in any color. That means that the myth of toxic black mold may be overstated. (Lots of types of mold are black and not all are harmful.) There are even mold types that we willingly consume – penicillin, mushrooms and cheese.
Some mold can pose serious health issues – particularly to children, the elderly, those with asthma or weakened immune systems. But because mold is naturally occurring, many people who encounter it have no reaction at all.
Wondering what to do to impact mold growth? One suggestion is to look at indoor humidity. When you reduce indoor humidity to between 30 to 60 percent, mold growth will also decrease. How do you do this?
Related: 3 most likely places mold grows
Another way to prevent and stop indoor mold growth is to control excessive moisture and condensation inside your home. Keeping mold-prone areas in the home clean and dry is critical. Mold will generally not grow indoors without water, dampness or excessive moisture. So cut that out of the equation and mold cannot grow. Additionally, remove potential condensation on cold surfaces including windows, exterior walls and pipes with additional insulation.
Mold is a natural part of the environment, but can also cause major problems in our home if left unchecked. While nothing can fully guarantee that you won’t have mold in your home, more knowledge about mold can help. And if you do find mold in your home, Werner can help. Contact us for more information.
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